Fundamental of algorithm

Write Python program to perform matrix multiplication. Discuss the complexity of algorithm used.

Write Python program to sort n names using Quick sort algorithm. Discuss the complexity of algorithm used.

Write Python program to sort n numbers using Merge sort algorithm. Discuss the complexity of algorithm used.

Write Python program for inserting an element into binary tree

Write Python program for deleting an element (assuming data is given) from binary tree.

Write Python program for checking whether a given graph G has simple path from source s to destination d. Assume the graph G is represented using adjacent matrix.

Write Python program for finding the smallest and largest elements in an array A of size n using Selection algorithm. Discuss Time complexity.

Write Python program for finding the second largest element in an array A of size n using Tournament Method. Discuss Time complexity

Write Python program for implementing Huffman Coding Algorithm. Discuss the complexity of algorithm

Write Python program for implementing Strassen's Matrix multiplication using Divide and Conquer method. Discuss the complexity of algorithm

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