data structures using python

Write Python program to perform matrix multiplication. Discuss the complexity of algorithm used.

Write Python program to sort n names using Quick sort algorithm. Discuss the complexity of algorithm used. 

Write Python program to sort n numbers using Merge sort algorithm. Discuss the complexity of algorithm used.

Write Python program for inserting an element into binary tree.

Write Python program for deleting an element (assuming data is given) from binary tree.

Write Python program for checking whether a given graph G has simple path from source s to destination d. Assume the graph G is represented using adjacent matrix.

Write Python program for finding the smallest and largest elements in an array A of size n using Selection algorithm. Discuss Time complexity

Write Python program for finding the second largest element in an array A of size n using Tournament Method. Discuss Time complexity.

Write Python program for implementing Huffman Coding Algorithm. Discuss the complexity of algorithm.

Write Python program for implementing Strassen's Matrix multiplication using Divide and Conquer method. Discuss the complexity of algorithm.

Implement Linear Search to find an item in a list.

Implement binary search to find an item in ordered list.

Implement Sorting Algorithms 

a.Bubble sort   b. Insertion sort  c. Quick sort

d. Merge Sort

python program Implement use of Sets and various operations on Sets. like insert, update, and delete

Implement working of Stacks. (pop method to take the last item added off the stack and a push method to add an item to the stack) 

python program to Implement Program for a. Infix to Postfix conversion b. Postfix Evaluation

python program to Implement the following  

(a) A queue as a list which you add and delete items from. 

(b) A circular queue. (The beginning items of the queue can be reused). 

Write a program to implement a linked list with following operations insert, delete a node from front , tail, search for a value in the list, delete a value from the list.

python program to Implement Binary Tree and its traversals.

python program to Recursive implementation of  a. Factorial  b. Fibonacci  c. Tower of Hanoi 

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