How to toggle the data onclick using hook

In this tutorial we are going to learn about how to toggle data using onclick events and useState hook to change the state.

import "./styles.css";

import React, { useState } from "react";


export default function App() {

 const [count, setCount] = useState("mern stack developer");


 const change = () => {

   let val = count;


   if (val === "mern stack developer") {

     setCount("tejas talkar");

   } else {

     setCount("mern stack developer");



 return (

   <div className="App">

     <p>{count} </p>

     <button onClick={change}>click me</button>




Here we define the initial state using the useState. Where Count is the initial state and setCount is the updated state.   

const [count, setCount] = useState("mern stack developer");

Here we define function change, here we use the user initial state that is count.and toggle data using if and else statements.

const change = () => {

   let val = count;

   if (val === "mern stack developer") {

     setCount("tejas talkar");

   } else {

     setCount("mern stack developer");



Here is a jsx code here we can finally print the count and add a button and give the event onClck by passing function change 

return (

   <div className="App">

     <p>{count} </p>

     <button onClick={change}>click me</button>





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