What is react.js ?


React is a javascript library which is used to create a user interface for a website. 

React is a library not a framework, a lot of newcomers are confused in between this, and also this is asked for interview questions.

React is also an open source library which is developed by facebook. React js developer community is so large so if you have any error or any bug on your react program you can easily google it and you can definitely get the answer.

You can also develop a UI using react but first you know about basic concepts of html and css and also javascript, last one is  Es6 syntax you know about basics of Es6 . 

React applications are made by small components.

Component is a small piece of a large application or a piece of code which can be reused in another application.


let’s assume a website having a navigation bar which is a separate component and also a navigation bar having a signup button which is a different component. So the whole nave bar is created by two different components.

Let’s take another example. We are having the homepage of a website. In the home page there is one component which is a carousel, and below that there is a sequence of cards which is another component, and also the footer is a different component.

So the whole page is created by a different component. react is also called a one page application because of this component based UI.also in react there is no page loading because it is a component based  one page application.

In the React we use JSX to write html code , JSX is a compressed language of javascript and xml.



 This is an xml code which is similar to the html. This is an introduction part of my react tutorial series. Stay tuned for more posts like this.

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