html program to embed multimedia

In this HTML tutorial we are learn about embedded multimedia in webpage,


Multimedia comes in various formats like image, video, sound, recording, films, animation, and more it can be almost everything.

In different types of format web pages are ofent to contain multimedia elements on the web page.

On the web page sometimes you need to add video and music for the requirements of the website users. In the HTML there is an easiest way to add multimedia on your web site by using the tag is called <embed> tag. <embed> tag is supported by almost all browsers. 

multimedia files are stored  in media files, and media files having different extensions like .wav, .mp4, .mp3, .mpg, .wmv, and .avi.  <embed> tag are support all the types of file extension.

write a HTML program to embed gif on web page



    <title>embed tag</title>


    <embed src="" height="120px" width="300px">





write a html program to embed images on the web page.



    <title>embed tag</title>


    <embed src="images1.png" height="120px" width="300px">

    <embed src="download.png" height="120px" width="300px">

    <embed src="download1.png" height="120px" width="300">





html program to embed multimedia

HTML language gives you the ability to add multimedia files without the <ambe> tag. 


In HTML <video> tag is used to add video on a web site. 



    <title> add video</title>



        <video  width="320" height="240" controls>

        <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

         <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">






In an HTML <audio> tag is used to insert audio in web page. 




    <audio controls>

        <source src="sound.mp3" type="audio/mp4">





html program to embed multimedia

HTML plug-in:-

In the HTML language plug-in are the best feature.

Plug-inn are computer programs that are used to extend the standard functionality of web browsers.

By using plug-in run all types of programs on the browser page. like

HTML, javascript, css, python etc.

<object> tags are used to add plug-in. By using <object>we can insert images also.






    <object width="100%" height="500px" data="tabel.html"></object>




html program to embed multimedia

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